Terms and Conditions

1. Booking/Payment

1.1    Sessions must be booked and paid for through www.justone2onekayakcoaching.com Payment in full is required at the time of booking. Payment can be made via the website.  Alternatively, cash/bank transfer transactions can be arranged.

1.2    No cheques or foreign currency accepted.

1.3    Bookings are accepted on the basis that the client warrants that in the event of a capsize whilst wearing a buoyancy aid he will have appropriate swimming skills for the relevant river environment. if a capsize were to occur.

2. Medical information

2.1       All medical conditions and injuries must be declared on the booking system when a session is booked.  Prior to the session I must be made aware of any changes in this information. All sensitive information given will be treated as strictly confidential.

2.2       If in my judgement information disclosed makes it impossible to deliver a safe and appropriate session the booking will be cancelled and a full refund given.

3. Kit and Craft

3.1  General

3.1.1 Any kit or craft which the client brings to use on a session must be in a good/suitable condition. Very rarely it may be necessary to abandon kit or craft for the safety of the client and possibly other river users. I will always endeavour to retrieve any abandoned item.  Save for circumstances of professional negligence it is not my responsibility to replace or to compensate the client for kit or craft lost, damaged or abandoned during a session.

3.1.2   The client is responsible for the protection of their personal belongings from water damage (especially keys, phones and spectacles). I am not responsible for any losses of or damage to personal belongings unless the loss or damage is caused by my professional negligence.

3.2  Kit and craft on White Water sessions

3.2.1 For any White Water session the client must arrive with all items of kit in the ‘WW MUST’ list below.  If there is a lack of these essential items the session cannot safely go ahead and the client will not be entitled to any refund, but under my discretion a rescheduled session may be possible.  Given reasonable notice most kit can be borrowed through myself or a 3rd party 

 MUST - for White water sessions

  • A helmet suitable for white water use (NO climbing/Cycling/Skiing helmets as these do not offer the same protection).

  • Personal floatation device (rating 50N or higher, nothing less accepted).

  • Whistle (NO whistles containing beads and NO lanyards).

  • Drysuit or separates preferable, paddling cagoule as a minimum (NO rain coats/mountaineering jackets)

  • A full-length wetsuit or suitable outdoor layering for weather conditions/swimming conditions.

  • Suitable spray deck that fits you and the cockpit of the chosen craft (I can provide this if a request is made with sufficient notice).

  • Suitable water sports footwear (NO thick soled shoes or inappropriate shoes such as Walking boots, Wellingtons).

  • Throwline/Knife

  • Suitable paddle designed for white water kayaking (NO paddles above 200cm long).

  • Craft suitable for the session and for the client and fitted with airbags. The client must not exceed the designed weight limit, the kayak needs to be suitably outfitted by the client before the session. (NO sea/touring kayaks).

3.2.2    For any sheltered water session the client must arrive with all items of kit in the ‘Sheltered Water MUST’ list below.  If the client fails to bring any of these essential items or brings items which are inadequate for purpose the session cannot safely go ahead and the client will not be entitled to any refund nor to a rescheduled session.  Given reasonable notice most kit can be sourced through myself or another 3rd party.

MUST - for beginner/intermediate sheltered water sessions

  • A waterproof jacket - a kayaking cagoule is recommended but not essential.

  • Warm layers preferably active wear that may provide thermal value if wet - (NO Denim, cotton or wool garments at all).

  • Suitable, comfortable footwear - wetsuit shoes or trainers. (NO thick soled shoes, flip flops or other inappropriate shoes)

  • A change of clothes and towel. 

3.2.3 All other essential paddlesport kit will be provided to the client at the session venue on the basis that such kit will be looked after and will not be unduly abused or damaged. All kit will be borrowed from Shrewsbury Canoe Club by becoming an associate member that must be organised before the session.

4.  Cancellation by the client

4.1   If a client cancels a session/sessions with less than 48hrs notice no refund will be payable nor will the client be entitled to a re-scheduling of the session/sessions.

4.2   If a client cancels a session/sessions with at least 48 hrs notice, I will, if requested at the time of cancellation, offer a reschedule at a date/time acceptable to both parties but the client shall not be entitled to a refund.

5.  Extension of a session already under way

5.1    If, during or at the end of a session, the client requests an extension to the session any extra time over the agreed session time which I may offer will be charged at £30 per hour and payment will be due as soon as the extended session is finished.

6.  Cancellation/postponement, by me before a session has begun

6.1   I may deem it necessary to change a venue or postpone a session before it has started due to safety concerns relating to weather/river level. In most cases the client will be made aware of any decision at least 24 hrs before the session start time. However, less than 24hrs notice may be given. I will endeavour to find an alternative venue or reschedule to a new date acceptable to both parties or in my discretion I may refund the fee paid for the session. The client shall not be entitled to any other payment from me.

7.  Cancellation/postponement by me after session has begun

7.1   Illness or injury affecting me.

If I suffer any illness or injury while the session is running I may decide to terminate the session and to arrange medical treatment/evacuation as I deem necessary for my or the client’s safety.  I will endeavour to reschedule the balance of the session to a new date acceptable to both parties or in my discretion I may refund the fee paid for the session pro rata to the time lost. The client shall not be entitled to any other payment from me.

7.2   Early termination of a session due to Client behaviour, fitness or swimming ability.

7.2.1 If I deem it necessary to terminate a session early due to safety concerns relating to a client’s behaviour, fitness or swimming ability, then no refund will be due and no alternative will be offered.

7.2.2 If a client is or appears to be under the influence of illegal substances or alcohol before or during the session I will cancel the session without refund and with no obligation to offer a reschedule.

7.2.3 Clients should also be aware that paddle sport activities during a session require a certain level of fitness and it is their responsibility to ensure that they are appropriately fit for any session they choose to undertake.

8.  Remit

Due to limits regarding my remit, if during a session I conclude that the grade of the river has increased to grade 4 or above I shall have the right to relocate or postpone or cancel the remainder of the session. Relocation or postponement under this paragraph shall not give rise to any refund or other liability to the client. Cancellation under this paragraph shall entitle the client to a refund pro rata to the session time lost

9.  Safety

The sport of kayaking / canoeing is one of the assumed risks. All reasonable precautions will be taken to ensure the safety of clients whilst on session; however accidents can happen.  I accept no responsibility unless loss or injury is due to my professional negligence. In particular I cannot be responsible for injury to or death of a client through capsize or his own misjudgement.